Objetivo Ronda. La represión en la Sierra Sur de Sevilla y las comarcas de Antequera y Ronda
26/09/2014 09:12Manuel Velasco Haro (coord.); José María García Márquez; Francisco Díaz Ayala; Raquel Zugasti Villar
Objetivo Ronda. La represión en la Sierra Sur de Sevilla y las comarcas de Antequera y Ronda.
2014. Perfect Paperback, 458 pages, color photographs. 22,5 x 17 cm. ISBN: 978-84-942792-2-5
Price: 22 €
SEE INDEX (Spanish)
After the coup of General Franco in 1936, the rebel army began the war to occupy the territories that remained loyal to the legitimate government of the Second Spanish Republic. The plan was to create terror to beat and terrorize citizens. In Andalusia, in early September, a military operation was developed in order to dominate the entire route of the railway line Algeciras-Granada. These two cities already held by rebel soldiers, except for a long stretch with epicenter in Ronda (Malaga).
The consequences were derived from these operations directly affected three regions: Sierra Sur of Seville, Antequera and Ronda of Malaga. Four months after the fascists occupied the whole Abdalajís Valley, Guadalhorce Valley and finally the city of Malaga.
It is the beginning of the bloodiest episode ever meet these regions in its history. The balances of victims, in the "name of God and Spain" were extremely high. This publication seeks to highlight these sucecos and retrieve the identity of the men and women who suffered that atrocity.